When Charles was born 6 years ago, I never dreamed we would call him Chuck. It never even crossed my mind. It's such a crass nickname of a beautiful, old-fashioned name. Carlos. sure. Charlie, OK. But Chuck. Well, yuck!
Thank you Thomas.
One day, Thomas just started calling him that, and the name just comes out every now and then. Sometimes, it even kinda fits (sometimes). Regardless, it always makes me laugh!
So Chuck just turned 6. It's just incredibly sad, every birthday that my youngest son has is one birthday farther away from any babies around here. And that is just sad! (only for me of course)
But he is one fun, silly, wonderful, kid. He drives us CRAZY "doing his Charles thing" and as Papa says "but he sure does it well...that Charles thing"
Charles wanted a sleepover and a movie for his birthday, so that is what we did. He invited three boys over, we ate dinner, cake and ice cream, then headed out to see "Cats and Dogs". Charles has really been into this "Last Airbender" cartoon, so our good friend Amy made an AMAZING cake for him. How cool is that?
Here he is with his buddies about to dig into that cake, after swimming and hot dogs...
Enjoying the birthday song...
And making his wish!
After the movie it was presents...and off to bed!
The next morning everyone woke up at the crack of dawn. It was swimming and donuts and lots of this:
and this...
and even this:
Swords, light sabers and guns! What more could a 6-year old want??