Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Removal of Tonsils, Take 2

I have been greatly neglecting the blog and have LOTS to post from our summer adventures, but first a quick update on Thomas. He had his tonsils out this morning. Since we did this with Charles in February, we weren't too worried. Here is how our day went:

7 am: rise and shine. No breakfast for Thomas
8 am: dropped off Charles with James (best buddy) and Joshua with Jeremy (another best buddy)
8:40 am: arrive at pediatric surgery center
8:50 am: mom fills out paperwork while boys play games

9:00 am: we go back fill out more papers while Thomas watches "Ratatouille" on a little DVD player (bad choice when you are really hungry). Then they give Thomas some "goofy juice".

10 am: They wheel him back to remove his tonsils. Steve and I go wait and read/play games on our electronic devices
10:30 am: Doctor tells us he is done and did great
10:45: we go see Thomas. He is upset and VERY groggy. Quite out of it.

He was crying a little bit and trying to sit up.

Thomas proceeds to eat two Popsicles and drink a can of Apple juice in the recovery room while he is in and out of sleep.

11 am: Thomas is more awake. Takes some pain medicine and I talk to the nurse about after care
11:30 am: we wheel him out to the car and head home. Thomas is still pretty drowsy and sleeps in the car
12:00 we arrive at home hoping Thomas will sleep all day. No luck. He is camped out in our bed, watching TV and EATING everything in sight.

So far he has had 5 glasses of juice and water, two bowls of ice cream, a bowl of jello, and a cup of pudding. It is 2:30 right now. I am trying to talk him into a pb&j sandwich, but he is holding me to the "all the ice cream he can eat" that we promised. I gave him a bell to ring when he needed something, and it is ringing non-stop for more refreshments! Steve is working from home, and the "service" bell is ringing so much, we can't stop laughing.

All is well, and I know when the steroids wear off in a day or so his appetite will be gone, so we are happy he feels good and is eating right now.

Thanks for all the well wishes.


ps. In the time it took me to post this, he has eaten a bowl of grapes, a cheese stick and another bowl of ice cream!

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